Why Intern with Cru?

In preparation for the Senior Luncheon tomorrow, I figured I’d just take a minute to think about why I would tell someone that they should intern.

I think first off, I would start with asking someone how they would do out in the “real world” when it came to being a Christian. I think if you would have asked me a few years ago I would have felt pretty confident in my answer. I had been working at the Kellogg Center for 4 years and attempting to share my faith there for years. However, now when I think about my preparedness for living out my faith- it’s a tremendous difference.

I have a deeper understanding of what it looks like to walk with the Lord. For me, reading my Bible was not a super high priority when it came to spending time with Jesus. I would watch sermons, listen to worship music, and talk to God about things I was going through but as for how to have a really serious personal relationship with Him- I wasn’t there yet. Interning with Cru has made me walk more closely with the Lord, and I think now I know how to do that for a lifetime.

I have a deeper heart conviction to share the Gospel with people. I always have loved sharing the Gospel with people but mostly it was not to the extent that I would say so now. In college I enjoyed getting into spiritual conversations with people and hearing about their backgrounds but I was not very confident in explicitly sharing the Good News with people. I wanted to talk to people but when it came to them making a decision to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior I felt like I was not ‘good enough’ to lead someone in making that decision or following up with them. My heart has grown in wanting people to accept Jesus and fully live out the identity that He’s given them.

There’s probably plenty more but I’m tired so I’ll pick up on this another time.


Ok so another thing that I thought about was the fact that interning with Cru makes Jesus the #1 of my life in so many ways that I never would have done before. I never would have Jesus as my boss outside of working in ministry. I never would have to surrender all of my finances to Him outside of interning. I don’t think I even would understand what that looks like or know how to trust God with my finances, but because of interning I’ve grown in that. Provider God is real and I will always be able to look back on these times and praise Him and remember that He is the God who provides.

He is #1 of my time. He is #1 of my finances. He is #1 in my life and interning with Cru has helped me to see that in deeper ways that I never would have noticed if I hadn’t surrendered these two years of my life to him.

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