Speak Life: The Power of Words

Please. Thank you. I love you. I’m sorry.

Our words have the ability to hurt or to heal. Our words have a purpose. Our words give direction. Our words have power.

That’s the theme of Read Around the Block this semester “Speak Life: The Power of Words” and I absolutely love it. If you’ve ever been around kids, you know they speak the unfiltered and honest truth about what they see and hear. I almost look forward to their comments on Mondays and Thursdays and the conversations that we’ll enter into around the dining room table during snack.

I’ve been so encouraged by the three sessions that we’ve had so far and the work that God is doing in our lives. The first week when the theme was introduced we did a writing activity with the kids that centered around the idea of important words. In two columns students were to write “1. The most important words that I’ve ever heard and 2. The most important words that I’ve ever spoken.” See an example could go something like this:

“When I was in elementary school I heard that God loved me. He loved me and my family and the whole world. I heard that He created the moon and the stars and He also created me. Then I learned that He wanted to have a relationship with me. ME. A rebellious child who didn’t always listen. All I needed to do in order to have a relationship with God was acknowledge my shortcomings and sin and place my trust and faith in Jesus.

And so I spoke the most important words that I’ve ever spoken, I said a prayer to ask Jesus into my heart, forgive me of my sins and for Him to be my savior.”

This example given by Joy (and paraphrased from my memory) got the kids thinking as they went into their own writing times. I know some of the kids go to church and their families are Christians but sometimes I still doubt if kids really understand the words that are spoken to them about Jesus.

For me, I went to church and heard about Jesus but never understood what a personal relationship with Him meant. Out of my own personal experience I judge these kids and their faith thinking that someday they will know what it means to have Jesus as their Savior and Lord but today they are just repeating what they’ve been told.

Well when sharing time came I was in awe of what these beautiful children were speaking. “God saved me.” “I love Jesus.” “When my mom said I love you.” “When Hope House said good job.” “I love my dad.” “I bought you a Doritos taco.” (That last one would be important words for me too!)

Josh was speaking from his heart when he said “I love God” and I felt it in my Spirit that he meant it. Jesus spoke about it himself “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” (Matthew 18:3-5) Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. So why should I doubt that He’s drawing the children into a relationship with Him? Who am I to judge which words go in one ear and out the other?

I am so grateful to be learning from the Jesus living inside these kids that He is near and He loves His children. I am so grateful to be one of His children, living in Detroit welcoming the neighborhood children week after week and welcoming Jesus himself into this place called Hope House.




New Years 2018!

A year in reflection. What happened in 2017?

Began 2017 in IndyCC probably thinking it was going to be my last time there and sad about it. Went to Cuba in March (?) and experienced God’s pursuit of people there and their life conditions that broke my heart. Decided to work at Hope House Detroit and found so much freedom making decisions- who knew decisions could be fun! Started working there in May and felt a wave of God’s provision as I was doing what I had experience in. Managed a cafe thanks to six workers from the neighborhood. Felt incompetent and out of control leading the High School Girls Bible Study. Built relationships. Vacationed.


  1. Be dedicated to loving the Lord and learning more about Him.
  2. Live as if my body is really a temple of the Spirit of God. Exercise (lets say three times a week). Eat more vegetables and less dessert. Drink more water. Sleep a healthy amount. The usual things people resolve to do.
  3. Learn and be willing to learn and do something I’m not great at. I want to be committed to learn Spanish and maybe even some Polish. Who knows what else.

God is faithful even when I am faithless.